Ctrl + 1 Displays the Format Cells dialog box.Ctrl + Y Redoes the last undone action.Ctrl + V Paste the contents of the clipboard.Ctrl + T Displays the Create Table dialog box.Ctrl + P Displays the Print dialog box.Ctrl + N Applies bold text to the selected text.Ctrl + L Displays the Replace dialog box.Ctrl + K Applies italic formatting to the selected text.Ctrl + J Copies a formula down over the selected range.Ctrl + I Displays the Go To dialog box.
Ctrl + E Selects all cells in the current sheet. Ctrl + D Copies a formula to the right over the selected range. Direction Keys Selects the top, bottom, left or right cell according to the direction key pressed. Tabulator completes the entry of a cell and selects the cell to the right. Backspace Deletes the contents of a cell and enters Edit Mode. End Enables or disables End Mode. When in End Mode you can use the arrow keys to move to the last cell of the current range. Space Enables or disables a check box inside a dialog box. Esc Cancels the entry of a cell. It also closes any dialog box shown. Enter Completes the entry of a cell and selects the lower cell. F11 Creates a chart sheet with the selected cell range. F9 Calculates the result of the formulas of all sheets of open books. F8 Activates the Extend selection mode which allows you to increase the selected range using the arrow keys. F6 Move between the panels of a divided book. F4 Repeats the last action. In addition, writing a formula allows you to switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references. F3 If a defined name exists it displays the Paste Name dialog box. Since a keyboard shortcut can refer to the combination of several keys, you will notice that in its nomenclature the symbol + is used to indicate that several keys must be pressed at the same time, for example: Function Keys in ms excel shortcut keys In the vast majority of cases, ms excel shortcut keys will involve the use of the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys. The Ctrl and Alt keys are always identified by their name, and the Shift key is generally identified with an up arrow which is also known by its English name: Shift. In the following image you can see the location of the excel keyboard shortcuts keys: Important keys for ms excel shortcut keys #EXCEL KEYBOARD SHORTCUT EDIT CELL MAC#
If you are interested in for the shortcut keys of Excel in Mac, you can visit the link Mac excel shortcuts. Ms Excel shortcut keys – If you are an ms excel shortcut keys user who enters a lot of information with the ms excel shortcut keys, then it is essential that you know the ms excel shortcut key available in Excel as you improve your productivity by accessing much faster tool commands from the ms excel shortcut keys.